Best Travel Photography Tips

the best travel photography tips

Julia Cumes has been leading photography tours for Purposeful Nomad for the past 2 years. We asked Julia to share some her top tips to get the best images.

Our next scheduled photography trip is to Greece is 2021 where you can practice these techniques and many more alongside Julia in the field!

(all photographs by Julia Cumes)

“I am so looking forward to leading our upcoming "Greece: Photographic Odyssey" trip in September of 2021.  With their white and blue stucco buildings, cobblestoned streets, brightly colored bougainvillea, azure-colored waters and old world culture, the Greek Islands are exquisitely beautiful and a photographer's dream to capture.  During our journey, we'll be using a variety of techniques and approaches to capture the islands and in advance, I thought I'd share a few you can practice in the meantime.  



Light is so fundamental to photography so wake up early to make use of morning light or start photographing an hour before sunset to capitalize on “golden hour” when the low angle of the sun makes everything look more beautiful.  For this trip, we've created a schedule that will maximize our use of great light and allow us to capture the islands at their most beautiful. 

Don't shy away from photographing when it's overcast out.  A cloudy sky is great for photographing people and animals as it acts as a large softbox, casting even and flattering light on a subject.

Since Light is Everything....


Pay attention to how much light you have and where it’s coming from.  Try to shoot from the direction the light is coming from unless you’re trying to create a silhouette or backlight a subject or scene. Sometimes, when the sun is too high to make beautifully-lit photos, using window or door light to capture your subject can be a great alternative as these are both wonderful sources of directional light.

More Ways to Use Light in travel photography:


Look for interesting shadows or create compelling silhouettes by shooting into a bright light source.


When composing a photo, try to avoid placing your subject in the middle of your frame.  Instead, divide the frame into a vertical and horizontal grid of thirds (similar to a tic-tac-toe board) and place your subject at one of the four intersecting points on your imaginary grid. This off-center approach will make for a more interesting and dynamic composition.




Look for texture and color to include in your photos.  These can add a significant amount of interest and create a sense of mood in any picture. Luckily, the islands are full of color and texture so there should be some wonderful opportunities to make use of this technique.



One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced photographers is that they photograph their subjects from too faraway, robbing the photo of its visual impact. Instead, get in closer and exclude the parts that you don’t want. Open space (or as I call it, “dead space”) serves no purpose when the subject is too small or cannot be identified. I recommend filling about 80% of your frame with interesting subject matter.



Our job as photographers is to try to show the viewer a version of the world they don’t see every day.  So try photographing from a variety of angles by, for instance, crouching down on the ground and shooting up or standing on something elevated and shooting down.  



Look for a vantage point that will help you create an “establishing shot”—a photo that sets the scene for your series of travel images from a particular place.  Try to find the highest point overlooking the entire city or town.



Framing is the tactic of placing your subject within a naturally existing frame to add more  visual impact.  The frame could be anything from a window or doorway to bushes, trees etc.



Some of the most compelling travel photos capture the feel of a place by freezing a moment in time.  Look for situations in which people are so engaged in what they’re doing that they don’t care about you photographing them. Children are especially wonderful to photograph candidly as they are generally so unselfconscious. Look for places where people are working, playing, praying, dancing, walking, reacting to something or interacting with each other.  



Show off a beautiful location by including a person or animal actively doing something within the scene.  Adding a human (or animal) element provides a center of focus and creates a more dynamic image. This often means waiting for a person or animal to come along or reach the right location in the scene so patience is a must.



Whether it’s an unusual local food, objects displayed in a shop window or market place, or clothes hanging on a laundry line, details are full of story-telling possibilities!  




From cobblestone alleys to busy urban sidewalks, street scenes can say so much about a culture. We'll be spending plenty of time exploring historic towns and small villages and capturing the feel of the islands through its street life.  If you find a street you want to photograph, choose a composition you like and then wait for someone of something to come along. Be patient. Magical things can happen if you wait for a while.

There are many more techniques we'll be using to capture the beauty and rich culture of the Greek islands but these are a start and will, I hope, get you inspired in the meantime.  See you in Greece in 2021!”


~Julia Cumes

Read more about Julia and her work at

How one trip turned an idea into a company reimagining sustainable travel products.

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Mary’s journey to founding Lava Linens- a company dedicated to providing environmentally responsible travelers with high quality sustainable travel towels- came from a deep desire to follow her heart. This lead her on a journey across Latin America in which an idea soon turned into a reality.

Nourish Your Body, Mind & Spirit While You Travel

Nourish Your Body, Mind & Spirit While You Travel

Taking time to nourish yourself while traveling is so important and can be done on any trip! Carlie Grob is Purposeful Nomads yoga teacher, meditation leader, nutritious chef and all around giver of enlightenment and rejuvenation! She can be found on our retreats and truly has been a gift to the Purposeful Nomad community. Here are her wise words about how to incorporate more nourishment into your travels.

Give Back While You Travel

Give Back While You Travel

At Purposeful Nomad we really try and reconstruct the standard idea of giving back, volunteering, service- whatever you choose to call it. We have found the most impactful way to “give” is to actually “receive.” Being open as travelers to receiving information, stories, history and cultural education is one of the best things we can do to give back in an authentic and honest way. The “give back” part of this is creating a mutual understanding and respect between cultures which organically leads to supporting and helping the non-profits, organizations and individuals we choose to work with during our trips.

The Importance of Giving the Gift of Travel this Holiday Season

The time of year is here where the more organized among us are making shopping lists, adjusting their budgets, and adding extensively to their Amazon Black Friday wish lists… The holidays are fast approaching, and gift giving is a huge part of that for many cultures. Everywhere we look, advertisements pressure us into the materialistic aspects of the season. But this year, consider doing something different by giving the gift of travel. 

Why you should consider giving the gift of travel

Never considered giving the gift of travel? You’re not alone. It is an unusual present, but that is one reason it has the potential to be very meaningful. In fact, one study found that the majority (63%) of adults would prefer to receive an experiential gift than a material gift during the holidays.

What are some of the benefits of experiential gifts?

Dominican Republic Retreat

Dominican Republic Retreat

Let’s face it: gift giving is hard. It’s challenging to strike that balance of value, meaning, and care. If you struggle giving gifts, try to focus on how you want the person to feel when they receive your gift. Experiential gifts, like travel, prioritize memory making over material items. In fact, it’s known that experiential gifts lead to longer term happiness. 

For this reason, giving the gift of travel may be the perfect option for those stuck on gift ideas. Choose an experience you know the person enjoys, or maybe one that will push them out of their comfort zone. Whether you decide to travel together or not, you know they’ll be grateful to you during the experience. Gifting an experience not only gives a person something valuable, but it shows deeper connection, thought, and care on your part.

How to give the gift of travel

So how do you actually give the gift of travel? This is the tricky part. Of course, you could just give them a check or Venmo “for travel” – but we don’t recommend that. When giving the gift of travel, try to do so in a thoughtful way that shows you’ve really considered that person’s personality and travel style. Instead of just handing them cash, really think about their previous travels, favorite modes of transport, and what they’d appreciate the most. 

On the other end of the spectrum, you could book an entire trip for the person. However, we generally wouldn’t recommend that either as that involves a lot of planning and expense on your part. It also leaves room for error – the person you’re gifting to probably has preferences you’re not aware of, and would want to make some of the decisions regarding the trip themselves!

There are many creative ways to give the gift of travel – but we love gift cards the best. Why is that? A gift card strikes the perfect balance of ease and thoughtfulness. It shows you’ve thought about the person and their unique travel preferences… but still allows them the freedom to book when works for their schedule.

Some travel gift card ideas to consider:

·       Airline


·       TSA Pre Check or Priority Pass

·       Rental car company

·       Gas voucher

·       Hotel brand

·       Airbnb

·       Meal reservations/voucher

·       Massage

·       Excursion

·       Theme park pass

·       Guided tour company

Giving the gift of travel with Purposeful Nomad

Have an adventurous and conscientious woman in your life? We are happy to announce that you can now give the gift of travel with Purposeful Nomad through one of our very own gift cards. Choose a gift card of any amount, and enable your loved one to take the adventure of a lifetime with like-minded women. 

How to choose the right Purposeful Nomad trip to gift

Purposeful Nomad leads small group tours for women, with a focus on sustainability and conscious travel. Each of our departures are completely different, though, offering a range of choice.  But how do you choose the right departure? Here is a run down of our 2020 departures. 


Dates: March 6-13, 2020

Who will love this trip: The photography lover (both new and experienced). You know the one – constantly snapping photos on their iPhone, or always spending their paycheck on the newest DSLR. Should have a love for colorful landscapes and the occasional dance party.


Dates: March 1-11, 2020

Who will love this trip: The feminist activist. They should get excited by the idea of marching alongside the Sambhali Trust in the annual Women’s Day March, learning about the caste system, and women’s rights in India.


Dates: March 21-27, 2020

Who will love this trip: The one who needs to chill. Should enjoy yoga by the beach, paddle boarding, and all-around relaxation (whilst empowering young women of the Dominican Republic). 


Dates: April 19-29, 2020

Who will love this trip: The adventurous foodie. They won’t be phased by camel treks through the desert and crowded souks, because there is always a delicious tagine waiting for them at the end of the day.


Dates: June 20-July 2, 2020

Who will love this trip: The authentic yogi. Should enjoy yoga and hiking, but also be interested in going beyond the Instagram clichés of this region, and exploring a more authentic side.


Dates: July 13-26, 2020

Who will love this trip: The animal lover. This woman will get the privilege of witnessing the Great Migration in Serengeti National Park.


Dates: August 8-16 2020

Who will love this trip: The outdoorsy one. She’s not phased by the thought of trekking across Iceland’s western fjords, horse back riding, kayaking, or even the really expensive beers…


Dates: October 27-November 2 2020

Who will love this trip: The lifelong learner. Learn all about Guatemala’s unique textiles, and the women who weave them.


Interested in giving the gift of travel with a Purposeful Nomad gift card? Fill out the form below to receive a handwritten gift card and letter in the mail.

Remember, you don’t need to choose a specific trip or departure – but feel free to suggest one to your loved one based on their personality and preferences! Or better yet… join them!

How to purchase travel:

  1. Choose an amount you would like to purchase towards a Purposeful Nomad trip. You can choose a specific departure or let them decide! (maybe even a trip you would like to go on too!)

  2. Fill out form below

  3. A Purposeful Nomad team member will reach out to collect payment and finalize purchase

  4. An actual gift certificate will be sent along with a small gift

  5. Travel and enjoy!

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Connect with Nature on an Orcas Island Retreat

Purposeful Nomad has run an Orcas Island Retreat for the past 2 years and its magical. Where is Orcas Island you may ask? Its tucked away in the far corner of the Pacific Northwest way out in the San Juan Islands. It’s practically as far north west as you can go without going in Canada. Orcas Island in particular is known for its serene natural beauty, laid-back atmosphere and quiet, peaceful vibe. A perfect place for a retreat. The Orcas Island retreat is extra special because its our only domestic trip thus far although it feels like you are a million miles away.







Interview | How a Purposeful Nomad Traveler found connection with nature and personal renewal on our Orcas Island Retreat

We sat down with Alexa Carey, a participant from 2018, to dig a little deeper into her experience. The lovely Alexa came on the retreat from Portland, OR where she felt over worked and over stimulated. Our intention is to provide an opportunity where mindfulness and self-care is a priority. We use nutritious food, nature, meditation, yoga, conversation and journaling to enhance the experience and create space to go inward and heal from what is already a hectic and stressful world.

Here is what Alexa had to say about her time on Orcas Island:

Purposeful Nomad: What trip did you go on and in what year?

AC-Orcas Island in the Fall of 2018.

Purposeful Nomad: What was your favorite part of the Orcas Island Retreat?

AC-It’s impossible to pick one favorite part of the Orcas Island Rest and Renew retreat. These trips are meticulously designed, organized, and curated by Caitlin and her Purposeful Nomad team. The venue, lodging, instructors, experiences, and balance of planned vs. open time were exceptional. You feel like part of a family even when you’ve only known your fellow travelers for a few days.

Orcas Island is enchanting - it’s remote enough to disconnect but still thriving enough to have a bounty of outdoor recreation, retail, culinary, and agritourism experiences to choose from. A hidden gem of this trip was the world-class, farm-to-table cooking served family-style by Chef Carlie. That woman fed your body but nourished your soul. Incredible. 

Amazingness by Carlie

Amazingness by Carlie

Purposeful Nomad: How were you able to connect with nature?

AC-Excessive burnout and stress had been taking a toll on my health. I needed an opportunity to wholly disconnect and re-ground myself away from the everyday hustle. The Orcas Island Retreat was the perfect getaway where I could be completely centered and present. It also helped that there was not any internet or cell service.

Through Purposeful Nomad, we traversed the island as part of the greater cohort and on our own. We went out with a local tour operator to watch the resident San Juan Islands orcas play in the wake of our vessel. We also had our daily yoga practice where we enjoyed soaking in the sunshine and fresh air by the large garden that the resort restaurant sources most produce from. We hiked along the ridgelines to see the surrounding San Juan Islands, Washington, and British Columbia from the lookout. I was even able to go on my own rejuvenating walks along Doe Bay to watch sunrises and sunsets with no other sounds than the sea birds and subtle splashes of waves.

“This trip was the first time I’d been able to disconnect, experience nature, and let go of my anxiety in years.” 

Alexa and our group out for a hike in Moran State Park

Alexa and our group out for a hike in Moran State Park

Purposeful Nomad: Why is it important for travelers to stop and connect with nature?

AC-It’s so easy to get caught up in this shiny ‘Busy” badge of honor we all prominently carry and display. Without pausing and taking intentional time to connect with these incredible places, we lose out on these authentic experiences and the opportunity to be present for ourselves. Pausing to rest and adventure around in the wildness of nature, especially as beautiful of a rugged landscape as Orcas Island, renews your mind and body. Being in nature stills your spirit so just at that moment - you can breathe, disconnect from what weighs on your mind, and feel the freedom and sense of wonder of the landscape you’re standing in. 

Whale watching in the ocean surrounding Orcas Island

Whale watching in the ocean surrounding Orcas Island

Looking for an experience just like this? Check out our next retreat in the Dominican Republic in 2020!

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At Purposeful Nomad, we designed our trips to incorporate ethical adventures which support the local economies, all while getting unique experiences you couldn’t arrange on your own. We strive to follow the following six principles, which we think should be present in any small group tour worthy of your time and money!

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